Saturday, October 29, 2011

October 29th,2011

Today it started to snow and it was wasnt beautiful snow. It was more like, "yucky" snow because it was raining so everything was all slushy.
Driving was scary. I had to go to Barns and Nobles (like always) to get Alex's laptop to do my project. I also had to give Andy back his charger.
Basically, 2 days ago, Andy asks me back for his camera that he got me for my birthday.
Now, when we broke up, i specifically asked him if he wanted it back and he said "no, its YOUR birthday gift and i will never ask for it back."
Well he did. so i gave it to him yesterday, along with his shirt that i still had. Unfortunately i forgot to bring the charger. So today, i told him to meet me up at B&N and pick it up. He looked so different...not in a bad way. I told monika this, and she said that Alex looks much better! hahah
but anyways yesterday we filmed the launching of our physics project and then we went to 6flags! it was ok..i didnt really want to go because Alex couldnt go...and because i have so much shit for school....

i did have fun with monika and vicky tho :3 i went on El Toro for the first was scary :{
anyways im working on my project right now. i have to edit the video...

im so grateful i have Alex :] hes so amazing! He helped me so much today and im so thankful
anyways i cant procrastinate any longer. i gotta work !

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