Thursday, October 27, 2011

October 27th, 2011

So today i went to Barn's and Noble after school with monika. Alex and Isaac were there studying, then Isaac left and it was just Alex, Monika and me. He said he would help me with my physics project :]] hes such a sweet heart. i dont know what i would do with out him..

I cant believe its friday tomorrow ! im going to freight fest with monika, vicky, and Alex! im so excited ! not really ROFL i hope Alex's friend can go so he wouldnt be the only guy :3 but we'll see. I dont think a lot of them are gonna come since SATs are next week !

Anywayss i have to film my project tomorrow ;[ im so sleepy
Wait just kidding... Andy just messaged me asking to give his camera back...that he gave me for my birthday...

thats shady...well its whatever. he can have it back. i wish he didnt have to ask for it tomorrow...i kinda need it to shoot the last part of my project...

anyways. i asked if he wanted it back when we broke up. rofl he must really hate me.

HAHA but its watever. he paid for it, so he should have it back.

I'll get a job and pay for my own stuff :]

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