Thursday, October 13, 2011

Thrusday October 13, 2011

I decided i should start blogging my life again... I dont know if I want to start this all over again though. I kept my last blog as a reminder of these 2 years and I must admit I've been on a roller coaster... I've defiantly changed a lot and grown. I'm not sure what to write about now because I need to get back on my homework and studies but I just wanted to take a break.
But I guess this is a new chapter of my life. Book 1 of Amy's life is finished so now, new beginning and new story :]

I'm not sure if I should say intros all over again.. but anyways
this year I am a junior in high school. It has been officially 3 years since i began blogging and I must say, lot has changed and I can't want to see what the next chapter of my life brings !
I've been more into my studies and doing homework. I know these 2 years i have been slacking in school because after I met my ex, I lost all motivation to study...Its kinda hard to start over again and make myself more motivated but I'm trying very hard!

It has been a month and 2 weeks since i've been single for once and its very...different.
I've always been the type of person to have a bf ever since middle school but this year i dont know if it will be the same.

As of now, I am putting school as my #1 priority and I will let no one effect me. Hopefully i can find that special someone who has the same motives as me but we'll see where God takes me <3

Speaking of my homeboy, Jesus, I've been going back to church since school started and i have to say, it feels good. Except now, I go to an all Korean, Christian, church haha its nice there, the people are nice :] Wooseok and his family have been bringing me there and I couldnt be more thankful :]

So anyways, Andy has been talking to me recently...more than usual and hes calling me up more than he use to... I mean, its good that we are friends but deep down inside he still wants to get back with me because he's changed a lot for me and himself. He hasnt been playing as much games as he use to, he's been working out a lot and he tells me he's got that tight 4 pack ROFL also he has been taking piano lessons. To be honest, Im very proud of him because he is making a good life change, he's more fit, and he has his future all planned out now

Before when we dated, we never talked about future and All he wanted to do was play games, sleep, and smoke. Now it's like hes a whole new person, too bad he never tried to make the effort when we were together...I guess its better late then never, right?

Anyywayss. Im going to go back to homework, so i'll update next time :D

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