Monday, October 17, 2011

October 17th, 2011

Ah Im so happy today!
So I finally got to see Alex's gift and surprise at school today ! I was so happy :D haha he deffinatly put a lot of effort in it. i almost feel bad that i never do anything sweet for him :[
Anyways his friend Isaac and Kevin gave him a ride there so he can decorate my locker and pimp it out ! haha im so happy because today was such a gooooddd day because I got fomally asked to homecoming '11, I didnt fall alseep in class for once, and Alex came to my tennis practice ! SO SATISFIED but then my day crasheddddd....

Andy called me and started asking about me and alex and it was so annoying and we started screaming and he hung up. I guess this is the end of us... honestly i do feel terrible for leaving him but it was never because of Alex. It was all because i couldnt deal with the sneaking off and hiding... Yes, he did take care of me for 1 year but i know i have other people who care for me too.

Anyways SO i found out yesterday that alex is 5% Italian! HOW AMAZING IS THAT?!
anyways i gotta sleep ! nighttyy

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