Monday, October 24, 2011

October 24th, 2011

So today is Monday... And i just came home from James' house... it was fun, afterschool, we walked to his house but on the way, he bought food and we went to Acme and got cookies :] haha anyways after that Patricia had to leave at 5..because she said she had to find a lawyer for her mom =.= anyways so it was just me and James for an hour and he started opening up to me and having more i asked him why wasnt he like this when Patricia was here...and he said he didnt know. anyways so we started working on our hot-air balloon then afterwards he chilled and searched videos and stuff. Then i had to walk back to the school, so he was being nice and walked me back. actually we longboarded back to school. haha it was crazy. i've never skateboarded or longboarded and it was actually not bad :]

so yep. Yesterday night "Alex" spent all night till 4 am searching my blog up because he wanted to know but i wouldnt tell him... finally he says he gives up and i immediatly think he's pissed off at me, so i tell alan. Little did i know, alan sent woo my blogspot address and yea. Hopefully he doesnt get mad at the stuff i wrote..but then again, im not going to "watch wat i say" just because he might be reading it.. This BLOG IS FOR ME, MYSELF, AND I. i dont need to lie about anything because this is all my memory. anyways im gettting really sleep so im gonna start hw and study for my physics test tomorrow :'[

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