Friday, October 14, 2011

October 14th, 2011

Ah so today is Friday! One more week till HOMECOMING '11! I don't know if it will be good this year... but i just want to have fun and relax ! School has been stressful... I've been staying after school to get extra help for math with my bestie Monika P. because we've been struggling... so afterwards, we went to Barns & Nobel to study but we just kept procrastinating and going off topic! Anyways. so, "Alex" called me at 4:30, asking me if i was in school or anything and i said no, im going to B&N. then he said he would meet me there. So me and Monika go to B&N thinking Alex was going to be there... but hes we go eat pizza, get some starbucks and then Alex called and told me to tell monika to call him...i thought that was super suspicious but i didnt ask...then finally he came to B&N at 7:00pm after"hanging out" with Isaac... in actuality he went to my school with Isaac and did something to my locker... i think it is for homecoming... buut no one will tell me anything... meh :3
ANYWAYS I'm so pissed!! I got my phone taken away today because i was texting Duke while i was walking to lunch and Cindy (the bitchy security guard) yelled at me in front of everyone and they all stared at me in the halls.... it was so embarassing.. 2 of my teachers saw it happened and yea....but yea, Duke wanted to go to the library with me during lunch because he hit his lowest point today...He told me that Kathy (his GF) cheated on him 2 months ago when he was on summer vacation... and he was so heartbroken today.. I've never seen him so upset in my life .. anyways yea this has been the worst week ever...

So right now its 12am..and i should go to sleep cuz i need to do my physics project with Patrica and James tomorrow morning then probably go shopping with monika and Patrica.

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