Saturday, October 22, 2011

October 22nd, 2011

So i just came home from Homecomingg ! West windsor south was so live! i had soo much fun !! i havent been this happy in sooo longg! So, Alex made me a fake ID so i could go into his homecoming ! When we first got there, it was already jumping! We had to sneak Young Soo in too and everything worked out (kinda) :] so me and "Alex" we're already having fun and we were chilling with his friends ;] it was like a sausage fest because there were 10+ of his friends and Alex was the only one who actually brought a date. All the other guys like Minjeh and Isaac danced with 6 girls.
Alex actually let me dance with all his friends and i had an amazing time!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ahhhh
anyywayss so i met a lot of amazing people today and danced withh lots of people.
Then only bad thing was chelsea was there, but other then that it was amazing because me and Alex danced RIGHT in front of her and she saw us kissed.
Anyways im so happy! Best homecoming by far !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


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