Wednesday, November 2, 2011

November 2nd, 2011

Today i was just missing Alex more than usual...and there is just so many things i want to say to him... but i dont know how to tell i'll just write a letter... maybe someday i'll be brave enough to show him.

Dear Alex,
Its been 2 long months since we met. I still get a little choked up everytime we talk. I still get butterflies before we meet on the weekends. I still blush a little bit when we kiss :3 Sometimes you may not think i care for you as much as you care for me...but i do. I just dont know how to express it just yet. You are very special to me and never want us to be apart. We already went through being strangers and i never want that to happen again...
Yea, i know i can be really irritating and bitchy at times...i want to let you know that it is because i want to be with you and have you all to myself. Sometimes you say the wrong things and it gets me upset...but i know i do some things that make you upset as well... Although we're still getting to know each other, i would love to learn something new about you every single day till God separates us. You're like a book i cant put down, and no matter how many times i've read the book over and over again, it will never get old.
I love how you try to be honest with me as much as possible
I love how you are trying to stop smoking...for least i hope you are. i also hope you would tell me if you arnt.
I love how you'll always have my back no matter what
I love how you are so willing to meet my parents this Sunday.
I love how you understand me
I love how we are total opposites and we still click.
I love how you like me for me...even if im bitchy and yucky
I love how much you are willing to sacrifice for me....
I love how you let me bond with your friends :] and show me off !
There are many more, but i gotta do my english essay... but these are just a few things that i love about you. I hope and pray that my dad will like you as much as i do.
I cant wait till we can proudly hold hands public :]

I love you with all my heart and i hope it never changes.

Love Always,
Amii C.

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