Thursday, November 10, 2011


Today is 11-11-11 ...i should be excited..i should already have the ultimate should be the most memorable day of my life...why isnt it?

I remember I wanted a relationship on 11/11/11 because it'd be the greatest wish :]
Haha anyways...

I was talking to Alex and I really do like him, but how are we going to go further if I can't have faith in him...
I love him to death but is he the type of person i can be with forever?

I know its too early to be saying all these things, but I feel like we're two different people. He's more bold than me...and i dont think he realizes how insecure i am..

Maybe I WAS looking for that "feeling" and we just jumped into this too quickly.
Ah...why am i falling for him so quickly... i guess after all the sweet things he's been doing for me really DID get to me...

I remember when i put this much effort with Andy, and he never really appreciated it... i know how Alex feels. He probably feels ignored and uneven...

Long before we know ourselves, our paths are already set in stone. Some may never figure out their purpose in life, and some will. There are a lot of us who are caught up in this hell we all live in, content with being blinded by rules and judgment. We live in a world where it’s more okay to follow than to lead. In this world being a leader is trouble for the system we are all accustomed to. Being a leader in this day and age is being a threat. Not many people stood up against the system we all call life.

Dear Alex K,
I know im hard to deal with....and im sorry if i cant satisfy every part of  you...i'll try harder when we are official.. I've changed a lot because of you. mostly good, some bad..but i would do a lot for you because i care for you so much...Even though you think i treat all the guys the same, you're always special...
 I let a lot of things slide because im a suffer in silence type and i tend to bottle everything inside...

I know i might not be use to your personality, and you're not use to mine...but if you are willing to walk this journey with me, i promise there will be a giant cookie waiting for us at the end of the road. Its still early, but i hope we can grow together and get to become a part of each other's lives <3
Love Always,


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