Monday, November 21, 2011

November 21st, 2011

Arg..i dont feel like blogging on here anymore cuz i feel so violated. I feel like i cant say anything on my blog anymorebecause i'm being watched...

But I wanna remember as much of my life as possible before God removes me from Earth.
So today is Monday and i woke up reallly late this morning because my body was so tired and i couldnt move.... i had a bad headach and i just felt weak. My doctor told me not to go out or talk for 2 weeks but i've been rebeling in everywhere and im not getting any better. In fact im getting worse. I had a nose bleed today and i coughed up blood for the first time in my life..
At that moment i thought i was going to die. HAHA and i started to freak out...i didnt want to tell anyone cuz i
dont want to be treated differently. I wanna make MY OWN decisions and I wanna live MY LIFE. i dont want anyone else living my life or making my decisions FOR ME.

anyways i just found some pictures of the type of guy that I WANT :] so yep

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