Friday, November 11, 2011

November 12, 2011

Dear Amy Cheng,
just in case you dont remember this special night, heres a video reminding you what happened


Anyways, so i was making a video for RJ and it was 11:04pm and suddenly i
see Isaac's car
parked outside my house. So i called him and asked if he was parked outside my house...he said "no, me and Alex we're in Wawa getting icetea" hahahah then i tell him theres a car that looks like his thats parked outside my house. he told me to go downstairs to check the car because its not his...but i told Isaac that my dad would get mad and go check the car himself. So the mysterious car drives away....

Anyways so I start talking on the phone with Alex, and i tell him that i have to shower, and he sudden says, "NO, i already missed 11:11 in the morning, i cant miss 11:11pm, i'll call youu, make sure you pick up the phone when i call!!"

anyways, so at that time, i kinda know its him and isaac in the i quickly call monika and finally the car comes back and parks across the street from me. so im talking to monika, then alex calls.

So finally its 11:09pm and he calls me. he tells me to go downstairs to my parking lot.
I stick my head out my window and see him. i tell him i cant go downstairs because my parents are downstairs....

So I didnt realize monika was still on the phone, so i shove my phone in my pocket.

Then it was 11:10pm so i said fuck it, i'll go...
So i go downstairs, pretend to ask my mom if i left my boots in her car, and go outside...
i see Alex, and run to him...
He's standing there holding a rose.

He finally says, "Amy, we've known each other for 3 months and we've been through a lot....."
then he finalllyyy asks me to be his girlfriend !!!!!

Alll this time, monika was on the phone with me (in my pocket) !

The only thing i regret about tonight is that i was so paranoid that my parents were gonna see me... but other than that, it was like a dream! it was so magical... and im so happy this happened :] he really does care about me... and i shouldnt doubt him...

SO IN CONCLUSION... Amy Cheng, if you ever start doubting Alex, please PLEASE, read this again and remember all the things he has done for you. you dont deserve this much effort, but Alex is giving it all to you. seize the moment

Amy Cheng

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