Thursday, November 10, 2011

November 10th, 2011

I dont understand why Alex asked Monika to the movies ... Monika asked me if i wanted to go the movies..she said she couldnt ...then He just texted me if i wanted to go to the movies with him. Is it because she couldnt go.? I dont mind him talking to my friend, but asking her to the movies with him, Isaac and this other girl...
If monika's mom wouldve said yes, would she have gone with them...?

Even monika asked him FIRST to go to princeton on sunday...
I dont know why im feeling like this...but I keep thinking they're getting too close and Alex always want to have monika around when me and him hang out.

Its not like i ask Isaac to places or always talk to him...

They've been really close..idk why im jealous tho :'[ i was never like this....or maybe, this never happened to me before.. with Andy, he would never talk to other girls...or hang around them...
I know Alex is a nice person, but he's always talking to Monika and texting/calling her...
He tells me he is going to go eat, but he talks to monika right after he finishes eating?

ah...Amy Cheng, stop being so stupid... you're not like this...just let it go, and put a smile on your dont want to loose him because of your stupid jealousy and insecurity... stop being stupid !

now hes mad at me because my jealousy got to me...

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